Research project: "reCOVeryaID -An intelligent telemonitoring application for symptomatic, asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic Coronavirus patients."

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The main objective of this project is the monitoring of subjects who are, at home, under observation for COVID-19 infection, in order to control vital parameters. reCOVeryaID for now is born as a stand-alone application, as it is interfaced exclusively with the system's own database. Anyway, it is of interest the possibility to make reCOVeryaID interact easily in the near future also with the databases of Italian hospitals.


In the COVID-19 emergency, the use of the reCOVeryaID system of Integrated Home Care will therefore make it possible:

  • monitor people with possible respiratory crises;
  • leave people at home who are not in imminent danger, thus avoiding occupying hospital beds, which will, at this point, be freed for emergencies;
  • monitor that part of the population which has not been administered the test by COVID-19, but which could be made up of possible asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic subjects;
  • measure the essential parameters in order to avoid a respiratory crisis for COVID-19 patients not yet hospitalized in intensive care;
  • allow General Practitioners (GPs) to keep the patient under constant control, without the risk of possible contagion due to direct contact.



Integrated Home Care




Artificial Intelligence

Medical Informatics

Key technologies


Rule based system



Telemonitoring systems


Daniela D'Auria ( ,   web site)

Daniela D'Auria received the Laurea degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Naples, Italy. Then, she received the Ph.D. degree in Computer and Automation Engineering from the same University under the supervision of Professors Bruno Siciliano and Blake Hannaford. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Smart Data Factory laboratory, the technology transfer laboratory of the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bolzano. She is also a member of the Interdepartmental Center for Advances in Robotic Surgery of the University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include medical robotics and devices, computer-assisted surgery, surgical simulators and skill assessment, telemedicine, haptics, virtual environments and simulators and semantics in robotics.


Artificial intelligence


Research project

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