SQ: Software Quality


The objective of the SQ research group is the conception, design, and development of engineering methods and tools to improve product/process quality and innovate systems with specific IT needs. Our research also aims at re-engineering systems (e.g., cyber-physical systems), identify/remove vulnerabilities to increase their safety, security and overall quality.

We are specialised in:

  1. Developing decision-making tools and collection, analysis, and visualisation of (big) data from software archives (Mining Software Repository) to support developers and project managers in the development and maintenance of software products, the improvement of development processes, and the overall maintenance of systems
  2. Monitoring and verification of systems during their real-time operations and development and deployment of software technologies for such activity


The group and its activities are relevant for:

  • From a research perspective, the research of the group aims at conceiving, designing and developing new models, methods, and software technologies to innovate software products / processes and IT systems
  • From an educational perspective, the area of competence concerns programming languages and tools for software development, methods and practices for software process improvement and software verification, system analysis and mining software data
  • From a technology transfer perspective, the research of the group provides practitioners with new frontiers, technologies, and good practices for software development and process improvement (like DevOps) that can answer to the real needs of IT companies.


  • Empirical and Experimental Software Engineering
  • Development of Data Driven Software
  • Continuous Lean Process Innovation

Key technologies

  • Technologies for Software Development and Maintenance (e.g., programming languages and development platforms)
  • Technologies for Software and System Validation and Verification (e.g., technologies for monitoring, simulating, and verifying micro-services)
  • Methods, Practices, and Tools for Process Innovation (e.g., lean development)
  • Technologies of Software and System Analytics (e.g., Scientific software)

Key technologies

  • Technologies for Software Development and Maintenance (e.g., programming languages and development platforms)
  • Technologies for Software and System Validation and Verification (e.g., technologies for monitoring, simulating, and verifying micro-services)
  • Methods, Practices, and Tools for Process Innovation (e.g., lean development)
  • Technologies of Software and System Analytics (e.g., Scientific software)


  • Software and System Analytics
  • Software Process Improvement
  • Testing and Verification of Software and Systems
  • Productivity tools for software developers
  • Software Visualisation
  • Monitoring and maintenance of Cyber-Physical systems


Barbara Russo ( ,   web site)

Barbara Russo is professor of computer science at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano and vice-dean for research. She holds a PhD in pure mathematics from the University of Trento. She was visiting researcher at the Max-Plank-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn and the University of Liverpool. She has published 150 papers in pure mathematics and computer science with more than 2100 citations. She is a reviewer for leading software and systems engineering journals and conferences. Her recent research focuses on artificial intelligence for the creation, design and development of innovative software systems. Find out more about her checking out his website.

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