Research project: "Detecting Behavioural Anomalies in the Operations of Large Software Systems (DEBASS)"

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The overall goal of this project is to detect anomalies in the operations of large and complex software systems.


  1. To devise methods and tools to predict system anomalous behaviours.
  2. To design repairs to enable self-healing.


  • System anomalies
  • Self-healing
  • Repairs


  • System anomalies detection
  • Fault-tolerant systems


Barbara Russo ( ,   web site)

Barbara Russo is professor of computer science at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano and vice-dean for research. She holds a PhD in pure mathematics from the University of Trento. She was visiting researcher at the Max-Plank-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn and the University of Liverpool. She has published 150 papers in pure mathematics and computer science with more than 2100 citations. She is a reviewer for leading software and systems engineering journals and conferences. Her recent research focuses on artificial intelligence for the creation, design and development of innovative software systems. Find out more about her checking out his website.

We have created a diagram that displays common keywords from articles written by Barbara Russo. This is often useful to see what the respective researcher is doing: click here.

Claus Pahl ( ,   web site)

Claus Pahl is an associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Find out more about him checking out his website.

We have created a diagram that displays common keywords from articles written by Claus Pahl. This is often useful to see what the respective researcher is doing: click here.


Software engineering


Research project

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