Event: "Data4SmartHealth 2021 (D4SH 2021)"

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The aim of the workshop is to promote cooperation between companies, health authorities and research and technology transfer actors in order to develop innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence in the health sector - in particular for the management and analysis of large amounts of data. Following the success of the first edition, the objective of the second edition of Data4SmartHealth is to consolidate the development of a community, centred on the NOI techpark of Bozen-Bolzano, committed to the dissemination of the use of digital technologies in the health sector and to jointly implement research and development projects.


The video recording of the event is available here.

8:20 - 8:50 Registration (green pass required)

8:50 - 9:00 Welcome

9:00 - 9:50 Keynote 1 (Chair: Prof. Diego Calvanese, director of Smart Data Factory)

9:50 - 10:40 Keynote 2 (Chair: Dr. Alessandro Mosca, Smart Data Factory)

10:40 - 11:20 Coffee break @Noisteria

11:20 -12:20 Panel: Visions and concrete perspectives for smart E-Health applications (Moderator: Dr. Floriano Zini, Smart Data Factory)

Questions for the panelists

12:30 - 13:45 Lunch break @Noisteria

13:45 - 15:05 Industry and public governance (Chair: Dr. Andrea Janes, Smart Data Factory)

15:05 - 16:05 Research (Chair: Dr. Paola Lecca, Smart Data Factory)

16:05 - 16:25 General discussion

16:25 - 16:30 Closing (Dr. Floriano Zini, Smart Data Factory)

Talk abstracts

Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Big data integration for E-Health

Big data integration is a key ingredient for E-Health. Starting from a general introduction to the concepts of Big data and IOTM integration, the data driven architecture of an E-Health platform preserving privacy and quality will be presented. The innovative E-Health platform developed by Datariver s.r.l. will be shown, together with real cases where it has been applied.


Prof. Andreas Conca, Azienda Sanitaria dell'Alto Adige

AI meets emotional intelligence

Since 1957 humans have been using and obviously evolving AI, but only in the last decade the interest in ethical, social and emotional issues around AI has increased. There is no doubt that the adoption of AI generates different emotions, expected and not expected, more or less unconscious, in users (a.m., gender and generation dependent. However, the real challenge in the next decade is no longer optimization but the transformation processes. The evolution indicates that AI will be able to generate emotions and self-awareness, thus AI domains will be an integrated part of the human being making the first step to the transhuman future.


Ing. Carlo Micheluzzi, Solhea

Wearable data to improve the medical treatment of the patient

Google Fit, Apple Care and other integrated medical devices (POCT), for real-time monitoring the patient's reaction to cancer treatments while also outlining their lifestyle, in favor of an intelligent information system (SICURO Platform by MEDnoTE) able to support monitoring and management intelligent (AI) of breast, uterus and ovarian neoplastic pathologies.


Dr. Matthias Fill, Biotech, NOI Techpark

Biotech strategy for South Tyrol

South Tyrol has numerous activities in the field of Biotech / Life Science. EURAC has the Institute of Biomedicine, terraXcube and Institute of Mountain Emergency Medicine. The University of Bolzano has various groups working on food and nutrition, the Sensing Technologies Lab develops biosensors and the Smart Data Factory is working on Smart Health. Finally the Research Center Laimburg is very active in the field of primary production and quality analysis of raw materials. This list could even go on. We from NOI Techpark want to make the knowledge and infrastructure of these research institutes accessible to companies and define a strategy for core activities. One point of focus is functional nutrition. With Laimburg, the University of Bolzano and the Institute of Biomedicine we cover the whole process of nutrition and the effects in the human body. This could serve companies to develop food products with a proven health benefit. Another interesting field is the combination of cells and electronics. Here the Sensing Technologies Lab and the Institute of Biomedicine develop sensors which interact with cells to stimulate them or to measure their conditions. Big Data is a further point of interest and focus topic in South Tyrol where Artificial Intelligence helps to extract knowledge out of huge datasets. We belief Biotechnology has a huge potential for health and we want to be part of it.


Ing. Thomas Ranigler, EDP Progetti

TAOnet2 - Gestione territoriale del paziente anticoagulato

TAOnet² è una piattaforma software che permette di gestire in modo autonomo completo e sicuro i pazienti in terapia antitrombotica e di creare una rete di comunicazione sicura tra il territorio (medici di base, farmacie, distretti, unità mobili, pazienti) ed il Centro Trombosi di riferimento. In questo modo è possibile diminuire il carico di lavoro del centro, mantenere la qualità del servizio e venire incontro alle necessità dei pazienti più disagiati. Una organizzazione basata sul Centro Trombosi ma distribuita sul territorio porta ai pazienti un significativo miglioramento della qualità di vita. L’adozione di coagulometri portatili di elevata qualità analitica unita alla velocità e alla sicurezza di trasferimento delle informazioni garantite da TAOnet², permettono ai pazienti e agli operatori sanitari distaccati sul territorio di dialogare con lo specialista di riferimento e di avere la giusta terapia al momento giusto con risparmio di tempo e di costi.


Prof. Michael Mian, Azienda Sanitaria dell’Alto Adige

Introducing the Innovation, Research and Teaching Service (IRTS) of Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb 

In the last decades, technological advances allowed important steps forward in the fields of medical research and innovation. The new findings in the areas of basic research and diagnostics made it possible to develop new therapies, including targeted therapies. Thus, especially in the last two decades, it has become increasingly clear that research can become an integral part of clinical activities. This integration of research into everyday clinical practice has also proven to significantly improve the quality of patient care. Another factor with a positive impact on clinical routine is teaching since the education of students requires a more profound expertise. Based on these considerations, and since the attractiveness of a clinic as an employer can be increased by promoting innovation, research and teaching, the Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb established the Innovation, Research and Teaching Service (IRTS). The managing director of the structure will present it at the event Data4SmartHealth.


Dr. Christian Fuchsberger, Institute for Biomedicine - Eurac

CHRIS COVID-19: how the South Tyrolean CHRIS study helps to combat COVID-19

The Cooperative Health Research In South Tyrol (CHRIS) study is a joint population-based study of Eurac Research and the local healthcare system (SABES) to investigate the genetic and molecular basis of common chronic conditions and their interaction with life style and environment in the general population. Thus far >13,000 adults of the middle and upper Vinschgau/Val Venosta have participated. With the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we - the Institute for Biomedicine at Eurac – have initiated and joined local and global efforts to combat COVID-19. In this talk, I will provide a short overview of our CHRIS study, highlight how we applied our expertise to investigate SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 related questions, and finally present preliminary results and future challenges, such as the Long-COVID-19 syndrome.


Prof. Giancarlo Guizzardi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

FAIR, Semantic Interoperability, and Ontological Explanation: The Case of the Viral Conceptual Model 

Following the FAIR guiding principles for scientific data management, data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. In this talk, I will focus on interoperability and, in particular, semantic interoperability, i.e., with the safe interconnection of autonomously developed data items while preserving their original meaning (semantics). I will illustrate how data often hides subtle distinctions in meaning even for familiar concepts and, by using examples related to the Viral Conceptual Model (inspired by the need to understand the genomic aspects of COVID-19), discuss the role of ontological explanation for unpacking the meaning hidden in traditional data models.


Dr. Daniela D'Auria, Smart Data Factory and  M.D. Alfonso Fedele, Ospedale Pineta Grande Caserta

reCOVeryaID, an application for telemedicine: system architecture and results

The COVID emergency underlined the importance of having to deal with the complex health situation all over the world, and resolve the various crucial nodes of territorial health monitoring. Consequently, in order to cope with such issues, during the first pandemic wave we had the idea to design a system able to really help people alleviate their fears and be constantly monitored by medical doctors both in the hospitals and at home; thus, we developed reCOVeryaID, an intelligent telemonitoring application for symptomatic, asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic coronavirus patients. It is a standalone web application supported by a smart knowledge base able to promptly react and inform medical doctors in case dangerous patient's vital sign trends are detected in the short and long term. In this presentation, beyond describing reCOVeryaID, we validate the knowledge-base rules in real settings, i.e., by testing them on data from real patients infected with COVID-19, kindly provided by the Pineta Grande Hospital in Caserta, Italy.


Floriano Zini ( ,   web site)

Floriano Zini is an academic technologist at Smart Data Factory, the technology transfer laboratory of the Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Over the past 10 years, his research activity has focused on the design, development and evaluation of mobile and web-based information systems for personalized health care. Personalization is achieved through the application of Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence methodologies and algorithms, particularly Machine Learning. Floriano holds a Ph.D. in computer science and has authored about 60 scientific papers on e-health, personalized information systems, grid computing, multiagent systems and evolutionary computing. According to Google Scholar, his h-index is 21.

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