Archive entries related to "Software engineering"

Sensors and Data for the Analysis of Activities in Sports (SALSA)

Recording and measuring athletic performance by means of sensors installed either on the athlete's body (e.g. in the form of a bracelet) or on sports equipment is a method of tracking fitness goals. Sensors must record the athlete's movements in such a way that events can be detected in the subsequent data analysis, enabling statements to be made about the success of the training. However, there...

Optimizing energy consumption in drones (Green4drones)

The overall goal of this project is to optimize energy consumption in drones.

Detecting Behavioural Anomalies in the Operations of Large Software Systems (DEBASS)

The overall goal of this project is to detect anomalies in the operations of large and complex software systems.

Edge Cloud Orchestration (ECORE)

The overall goal of this project is to develop the components for an edge cloud framework.

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