FDT: Foundations of Database Technologies


Foundations of data management systems come in two flavours. On the one hand there are formal theories based on areas such as logic, discrete mathematics, and probability theory. On the other hand, researchers have developed a wealth of technologies to store, access and manipulate large amounts of information. In its research, the group investigates data management applications to identify foundational challenges and to develop both data management technologies and their formal underpinnings. The group pursues several directions:

  1. It aims to provide principled solutions for problems that currently are tackled by ad-hoc approaches.
  2. It looks for applications that present foundational challenges, either of conceptual or technological nature, to develop principled solutions and validate them.
  3. It also identifies open conceptual or theoretical problems in the data management research community with the aim to solve them.
In its teaching, it familiarizes students with the principles underlying data management techniques so that they understand the relationships and interdependencies between existing technologies and will be able to quickly adopt new development.


The individual members have built up research competencies on various foundational topics in databases, which the group combines and focuses.


  • Database theory
  • Database implementation techniques
  • Data quality
  • Semantics of data
  • Data wrangling
  • Knowledge base management
  • Information extraction

Key technologies

  • Database systems
  • Information integration systems
  • Knowledge bases
  • Computational logics
  • Artificial intelligence

Key technologies

  • Database systems
  • Information integration systems
  • Knowledge bases
  • Computational logics
  • Artificial intelligence


  • Advances in relational database systems
  • Models and techniques to maintain data quality
  • Techniques to generate and enrich knowledge bases


Werner Nutt ( ,   web site)

Werner Nutt is a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Find out more about him checking out his website.

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