CoM: Computational Mathematics


The group focuses on the development and analysis of novel numerical methods, with a strong line towards related software development. The computer modeling of physical processes requires expertise that ranges from mathematical modeling of the processes to programming and software production passing by scientific understanding of the problems at hand, continuum and discrete mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, applied probability and computational techniques and related software development, which requires often the use and thus the knowledge of software packages. We base most of our software development on Free Software or Open Source principles.


Application of these techniques to solving real‐life problems in engineering, environmental and biological sciences, economics, are used to connect with and have a durable impact on the industry (local and international).


  • Adaptive algorithms
  • Active numerical error control
  • Fluid‐dynamics
  • Geometric modeling
  • High performance computing
  • Parallel computing

Key technologies

  • Scientific Computing
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Technical Computing
  • SoftwareSolver
  • Applied Mathematics

Key technologies

  • Scientific Computing
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Technical Computing
  • SoftwareSolver
  • Applied Mathematics


  • Flood‐risk computational models
  • Mirror and reflector design
  • High performance computing solutions


Bruno Carpentieri ( ,   web site)

Bruno Carpentieri is an associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Find out more about him checking out his website.

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