Offer: "Applicability of Process Mining"

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Description of this offer

This activity consists of a pilot consultancy on process mining. Process mining is a mining technique that allows to create a process model using the logs of the running process as input, to reason over it (e.g., identify bottlenecks) and to propose how to improve it. This activity will address data preparation, identification of most suitable techniques, and an initial analysis of the company's data.

What we need from you

(log) data of executed (business) processes.

What you will get

Document describing process mining results.


The costs amount to 5.000€+VAT. You can also take advantage of the Lab bonus, which covers 50% to 65% of the incurred costs.

Contact for this offer

Marco Montali ( ,   web site)

Marco Montali is a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Find out more about him checking out his website.

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Artificial intelligence, Machine learning

Type of offer

Feasibility Study

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