Offer: "Process mining"

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Description of this offer

Teaching activity on process mining, covering the basics of process mining, then different process mining techniques, and the entire lifecycle of a process mining project.

What we need from you

Target group's previous knowledge

What you will get

Teaching activity, teaching material


The costs amount to 5.000€+VAT. You can also take advantage of the Lab bonus, which covers 50% to 65% of the incurred costs.

Contact for this offer

Marco Montali ( ,   web site)

Marco Montali is a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Find out more about him checking out his website.

We have created a diagram that displays common keywords from articles written by Marco Montali. This is often useful to see what the respective researcher is doing: click here.


Artificial intelligence, Machine learning

Type of offer


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