DBS: Database Systems Group


The DBS Group aims at enhancing current DB technologies to support complex query processing and data analysis, in particular for temporal and spatial data. The group is striving for scalable and efficient algorithms with the goal of embedding them into DBMSs. Our research method combines foundational studies with systems engineering and empirical evaluations. The research is driven by real-world applications in different areas.


Since the collection, maintenance and processing of data form the backbone of many applications, the competences of a DB group are valuable in many research and industrial projects. From the teaching viewpoint, DB related topics are important in any CS curricula. A dedicated DBS Group increases the visibility of these competences and the obtained research results both in the international research community as well as towards local stakeholders.


  • Temporal and spatial databases
  • Data analysis and data summary structures
  • Indexing and algorithms for advanced query processing
  • Processing time series data and complex-event processing
  • Graphs and similarity measures

Key technologies

  • Relational databases
  • NoSQL databases
  • Data warehouse

Key technologies

  • Relational databases
  • NoSQL databases
  • Data warehouse


  • Data analysis solutions
  • Database technologies for advanced and efficient query processing
  • Platform for multimodal routing
  • Framework for the visualization of ordered data
  • Temporal and spatial PostgreSQL
  • Decision support systems
  • Complex event processing systems


Johann Gamper ( ,   web site)

Johann Gamper is an associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Find out more about him checking out his website.

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