Offer: "Chat Bot"

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Description of this offer

Bots are becoming popular in many applications to simplify the information access processes and support users. We have experience in creating bots for helping students to select the right meal for them in the university canteen. This technology can be adapted in other application domains.

What we need from you

Description of the target human-machine interaction dialogue, possibly structured into a decision tree.

What you will get

Prototype of a bot that implements that dialogue.


The costs amount to 5.000€+VAT. You can also take advantage of the Lab bonus, which covers 50% to 65% of the incurred costs.

Contact for this offer

Francesco Ricci ( ,   web site)

Francesco Ricci is a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Find out more about him checking out his website.

We have created a diagram that displays common keywords from articles written by Francesco Ricci. This is often useful to see what the respective researcher is doing: click here.


Artificial intelligence, Human computer interaction, Machine learning

Type of offer


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