Research project: "Sensors and Data for the Analysis of Activities in Sports (SALSA)"

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Recording and measuring athletic performance by means of sensors installed either on the athlete's body (e.g. in the form of a bracelet) or on sports equipment is a method of tracking fitness goals. Sensors must record the athlete's movements in such a way that events can be detected in the subsequent data analysis, enabling statements to be made about the success of the training. However, there are already systems on the market that are closed, i.e. they cannot be adapted to other requirements. This project wants to develop different prototypes (consisting of a sensor component and a software component) which can be used in sports to record and evaluate performance.


As a concrete case of application this project is dedicated to the climbing area. Climbing is a young sport and is enjoying increasing popularity worldwide. Since its inclusion in the Olympic programme, the sport has received increased attention. For South Tyrol, climbing is a distinguishing feature. As in many other sports, performance and workload (in the climbing hall) should be measured, improvements analysed and shared via social media. Through this project, the necessary know-how will be built up in South Tyrol and sensors will be used in the sports sector as well as generally in the industrial sector to record and evaluate human activities.


  • Climbing
  • Sensor analysis
  • Image processing and video analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Distributed computing
  • Networking

Key technologies

  • Sensori
  • Telecamere
  • Beacons
  • Apprendimento automatico


The prototypes built during this project can be used by anyone interested in detecting movements or reasoning about sports activities that are similar to the studied use case like indoor climbing.


Andrea Janes ( ,   web site)

Andrea Janes is a researcher with a fixed-term contract at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. He received the Master in Computer Science from the Technical University of Vienna (Austria) and received the doctorate in computer science (with distinction) from the University of Klagenfurt (Austria). He worked both in industry and academia, as a freelancer, R&D engineer, and consultant. In 2015, he spent one month as a visiting researcher at the University of Tampere (Finland) and four months as a visiting researcher at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (Austria). His research interests include software design, software quality, empirical and experimental software engineering, software analytics, Agile and Lean software development processes, and software testing. More recently, he is interested in technology transfer activities in the context of small and medium enterprises. Find out more about him checking out his website.

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Software engineering, Machine learning


Research project

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