Archive entries related to "Research project"

A research project is a collaborative endeavor, involving research and/or design, that is carefully planned, usually by a project team, to achieve a particular aim. The outcome of a research project is the answer to a research question, e.g., "How can we construct an algorithm that predicts the temperature on a specific data and place?" or "How can we analyze a give set of data to make certain conclusions about it?".

reCOVeryaID -An intelligent telemonitoring application for symptomatic, asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic Coronavirus patients.

The main objective of this project is the monitoring of subjects who are, at home, under observation for COVID-19 infection, in order to control vital parameters. reCOVeryaID for now is born as a stand-alone application, as it is interfaced exclusively with the system's own database. Anyway, it is of interest the possibility to make reCOVeryaID interact easily in the near future also with the da...

Sensors and Data for the Analysis of Activities in Sports (SALSA)

Recording and measuring athletic performance by means of sensors installed either on the athlete's body (e.g. in the form of a bracelet) or on sports equipment is a method of tracking fitness goals. Sensors must record the athlete's movements in such a way that events can be detected in the subsequent data analysis, enabling statements to be made about the success of the training. However, there...

Concept Invention Theory (COINVENT)

The overall goal of this project is to develop a computationally feasible, cognitively-inspired formal model of concept invention, drawing on Fauconnier and Turner's theory of conceptual blending, and grounding it on a sound mathematical theory of concepts.

Collaborative Construction Management (COCkPiT)

The overall goal of this project is to develop methodologies and IT tools to better control construction process management.

Scalable End-user Access to Big Data (Optique)

The overall goal of this project is to develop an extensible platform that provides a complete and generic solution to the data access challenges posed by big data, by exploiting semantic information.

Semantics on top of data (Ontop)

The overall goal of this project is to extend and enrich techniques and tools for intelligent access to information to cope with the size and complexity of big data, and with novel types of data and rich ontology languages.

Knowledge-Aware Operational Support (KAOS)

The overall goal of this project is to develop a foundational framework covering organizations, processes, participants, and information as relevant for knowledge-empowered operational decision support. The framework will foster the development of a new generation of operational support techniques. These techniques will be truly flexible and able to support domain experts and business ana...

Artifact-Centric Service Interoperation (ACSI)

The overall goal of this project is to dramatically reduce the effort and time of designing, deploying, and maintaining systems that support service interoperation.

Reasoning and Enactment for Knowledge-Aware Processes (REKAP)

The overall goal of this project is to develop a foundational framework and a corresponding proof-of-concept implementation for supporting business processes enriched with data and knowledge.

Parallel Algorithms for Large-Scale Numerical Simulations

The overall goal of this project is to develop fast parallel matrix solvers for the next-generation parallel computers that enable to reduce significantly the overall simulation time.

Temporal Relational Database Management Systems

The overall goal of this project is to enrich relational database management systems (RDBMs) with support for storing and querying temporal data.

Data Analysis and Monitoring for a Sustainable Agriculture (DASA)

The overall goal of this project is to process and query time-series data.

Complex Event Processing and Detection (CEP)

The overall goal of this project is to process and detect complex events in data streams.

Recommending news clippings

The overall goal of this project is the usage of recommendation techniques to minimize the human effort in the selection of news articles.

Predict user behaviour in an IoT scenario

The overall goal of this project is to learn a predictive model of user behaviours in an Internet of Thing (IoT)-augmented scenario and generate recommendations adapted to the learned behaviour.

Preference learning technique for recommender systems (PLATFORMS)

The overall goal of this project is to develop a unified framework for representing and reasoning on user preferences in recommender systems.

Decision Support System for Identification of Postharvest Diseases of Apples (DSSApple)

The aim of this project is to develop effective and efficient decision support systems for the diagnosis of postharvest disorders and diseases of apple.

Tangible Interaction Design

The overall objective of this meta-projetct is to augment or develop smart ecosystems for different actors. It consists of the following subprojects:

  • Smart Objects for Active Ageing (SOfAA) aims at designing smart ecosystems for elderly people;
  • Gamified Objects for Speech Therapy (GOST) aimed at designing smart objects for social interactions, for children and people w...

Modular platform for the territorial management of cancer patients

The project aims at developing an innovative software platform to support the management of oncology patients no matter if they are in a clinic, at their place of residence or in other health facilities of the area.

Optimizing energy consumption in drones (Green4drones)

The overall goal of this project is to optimize energy consumption in drones.

Detecting Behavioural Anomalies in the Operations of Large Software Systems (DEBASS)

The overall goal of this project is to detect anomalies in the operations of large and complex software systems.

Edge Cloud Orchestration (ECORE)

The overall goal of this project is to develop the components for an edge cloud framework.

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